Results for 'Cristián Montes Capó'

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  1.  24
    Obras Completas de Pedro Sienna.Cristián Montes Capó - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 36:213-216.
    El siguiente artículo tiene por objetivo mostrar la mutua correspondencia entre experiencia e historicidad en la obra de Hans-Georg Gadamer. La experiencia es entendida como el movimiento fundamental de la existencia histórica, la que articula las diversas esferas de la acción humana. La experiencia hermenéutica pone de manifiesto que el comprender no puede fundarse en un procedimiento metódico, sino en la forma del existir situado en el mundo. El acto hermenéutico es entendido como un continuo proceso de apropiación, que se (...)
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    Imaginarios apocalípticos e infancia en las novelas en voz baja de Alejandra Costamagna y La edad del perro de Leonardo Sanhueza.Cristian Montes Capó - 2019 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 47:279-289.
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    Apocalyptic imaginaries and infancy in the novels En voz baja, by Alejandra Costamagna and La edad del perro, by Leonardo Sanhuez.Cristian Montes Capó - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 47:279-289.
    Para gran parte de la crítica literaria chilena, como para el público lector en general, es elocuente la persistencia del imaginario dictatorial en la narrativa chilena de estas primeras dos décadas del siglo XXI. A pesar de que han transcurrido veinticinco años desde que se reconquistó la democracia, dicho imaginario parece seguir fortaleciéndose y reactualizándose. Esta situación adquiere particular importancia al tener en cuenta un corpus narrativo publicado entre el 2000 y 2014, conformado por escritores nacidos entre 1970 y 1990. (...)
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    Um encontro Saussure-Bakhtin na episteme.Luiz Eduardo Mendes Batista & Stefania Montes Henriques - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (1):74-97.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we intend to start from certain reinterpretations that have been made about the Saussurean construct on the langue object, taking as a basis mainly the relational notion of system, the linguistic value, to then create possibilities of dialogue with the axiological perspective of langue present in Mikhail Bakhtin. Such perspective in this author takes shape in the concept of heteroglossia and discourse genres, in which this object must be understood in terms of social and historical relations. (...)
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    Editorial: New Professionalism and the Future of Work: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Transformations in Business-Health Relationships.Gabriele Giorgi, Nicola Mucci, Annamaria Di Fabio & Antonio Ariza-Montes - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Assessment of the teaching learning process in Dentistry internship in Camagüey.Jacqueline Legañoa Alonso, Mayelín Soler Herrera, Yedilma Souto Nápoles, Carmen Alonso Montes-de-Oca & Magalis Castellano Zamora - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):455-468.
    RESUMEN Fundamento: La asignatura Atención Integral a la Población, se imparte durante el quinto año de la carrera de Estomatología. Objetivo: Exponer los criterios de los estudiantes, egresados y profesores respecto al proceso docente educativo de la asignatura Atención Integral a la Población. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación educacional observacional-descriptiva transversal en la Facultad de Estomatología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, desarrollada desde septiembre 2015 a octubre 2017.El universo estuvo constituido por 63 estudiantes del quinto año, 90 (...)
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    Justificatory explanations in machine learning: for increased transparency through documenting how key concepts drive and underpin design and engineering decisions.David Casacuberta, Ariel Guersenzvaig & Cristian Moyano-Fernández - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):279-293.
    Given the pervasiveness of AI systems and their potential negative effects on people’s lives (especially among already marginalised groups), it becomes imperative to comprehend what goes on when an AI system generates a result, and based on what reasons, it is achieved. There are consistent technical efforts for making systems more “explainable” by reducing their opaqueness and increasing their interpretability and explainability. In this paper, we explore an alternative non-technical approach towards explainability that complement existing ones. Leaving aside technical, statistical, (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Quantum Worlds. Different Perspectives about the ontology of quantum mechanics.Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin, Cristian López & Frederico Holik (eds.) - forthcoming - Cambridge University Press.
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  9. Inner Harmony as an Essential Facet of Well-Being: A Multinational Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic.David F. Carreno, Nikolett Eisenbeck, José Antonio Pérez-Escobar & José M. García-Montes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed to explore the role of two models of well-being in the prediction of psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely PERMA and mature happiness. According to PERMA, well-being is mainly composed of five elements: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning in life, and achievement. Instead, mature happiness is understood as a positive mental state characterized by inner harmony, calmness, acceptance, contentment, and satisfaction with life. Rooted in existential positive psychology, this harmony-based happiness represents the result of living in (...)
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    A Proposal for a Coherent Ontology of Fundamental Entities.Diego Romero-Maltrana, Federico Benitez & Cristian Soto - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (4):705-717.
    We argue that the distinction between framework and interaction theories should be taken carefully into consideration when dealing with the philosophical implications of fundamental theories in physics. In particular, conclusions concerning the nature of reality can only be consistently derived from assessing the ontological and epistemic purport of both types of theories. We put forward an epistemic form of realism regarding framework theories, such as Quantum Field Theory. The latter, indeed, informs us about the general properties of quantum fields, laying (...)
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  11.  53
    A new experience: The course of ethics in engineering in the department of civil engineering, university of Granada.Luisa María Gil-Martín, Enrique Hernández-Montes & Armando Segura-Naya - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (2):409-413.
    A course in professional ethics for civil engineers was taught for the first time in Spain during the academic year 2007/08. In this paper a survey on the satisfaction and expectation of the course is presented. Surprisingly the students sought moral and ethical principles for their own ordinary lives as well as for their profession. Students were concerned about the law, but in their actions they were more concerned with their conscience, aware that it can be separate from the law.
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    Universidade Pública e desejo de viver: o acolhimento enquanto dispositivo de escuta em tempos nefastos.Fernanda Mara da Silva Lima, Marília Etienne Arreguy & Fernanda Ferreira Montes - forthcoming - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação.
    O cerne desse artigo remete à instauração de um dispositivo de acolhimento e escuta de orientação psicanalítica numa instituição educacional pública de nível superior. Sustentamos a práxis em uma experiência político-clínica de acolhimento na Universidade, salientando sua função terapêutica como forma de resistência coletiva a um modus operandi absolutamente individualista. Cada investida neoliberal em nossa sociedade é capaz de produzir engendramentos subjetivos da pulsão de morte, resultando em sofrimento e adoecimento na medida em que o sujeito é abandonado à própria (...)
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    Constructivism: Defense or a Continual Critical Appraisal A Response to Gil-Pérez et al.Mansoor Niaz, Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Alicia Benarroch, Liberato Cardellini, Carlos E. Laburú, Nicolás Marín, Luis A. Montes, Robert Nola, Yuri Orlik, Lawrence C. Scharmann, Chin-Chung Tsai & Georgios Tsaparlis - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (8):787-797.
    This commentary is a critical appraisal of Gil-Pérez et al.'s (2002) conceptualization of constructivism. It is argued that the following aspects of their presentation are problematic: (a) Although the role of controversy is recognized, the authors implicitly subscribe to a Kuhnian perspective of `normal' science; (b) Authors fail to recognize the importance of von Glasersfeld's contribution to the understanding of constructivism in science education; (c) The fact that it is not possible to implement a constructivist pedagogy without a constructivist epistemology (...)
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    Aspectos Éticos de la Investigación Clínica en seres humanos.Carlos M. Albornoz López del Castillo, Alejandro Aguero Díaz, Yanelys Cabrera Villalobos & Carmen Alonso Montes de Oca - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (2):0-0.
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    Differentiated variables of the seriousness level of the depression by means of the Rorschach Comprehensive System.Maricela Alfonseca Guerra, Pedro Fernández Olazábal & Roberto Vázquez Montes de Oca - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):598-612.
    RESUMEN Se desarrolló una investigación descriptiva transversal, con un enfoque cuantitativo, en la que la muestra fue seleccionada de manera intencional pura, no probabilística, según criterios establecidos por los autores del estudio. Quedó constituida por las variables del Sistema Comprehensivo Rorschach pertenecientes a 120 protocolos de sujetos con trastornos depresivos, de ellos 82 presentaron depresión moderada, y 38 depresión severa. Se aplicaron los siguientes métodos empíricos: entrevista, observación, Autoescala de Zung y Conde, y el Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach. Los estadígrafos que (...)
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    Adaptation and Promotion of in Vitro Growth by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa GU270941.1 A in the Presence of Cadmium.Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara & Yelitza Aguas Mendoza - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:550-560.
    Cadmium (Cd) is one of the most toxic heavy metals. Its high mobility and bioaccumulation power in plant, animal and human tissues differentiate it from the rest of its group and motivate the interest of scientists to know its effects and interaction with plants and the environment. The aim of the present study was to isolate and evaluate the in vitro tolerance of rhizospheric bacteria associated with rice plants in cadmium-contaminated environments and to evaluate them in vitro capacity to tolerate (...)
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    Growth Behaviours of Two Rhizospheric Bacterial Strains in the Presence of Different Cadmium Concentrations and Temperatures.Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara & Yelitza Aguas Mendoza - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:577-587.
    Understanding the interaction of Cd with plants, as well as the search for alternatives to minimize its effects, has caught the interest of the scientific community, due to the accelerated growth of contamination with this metal and its high toxicity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ability of two rhizospheric bacterial strains LC7504001.1 Burkholderia cepacia (C65RLIM) and FJ972527.1 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (C85RLIM) to three concentrations of cadmium (100, 300 and 500 mg/L) and to compare the growth behaviour (...)
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  18.  14
    Perfil de Aspirantes a la Escuela Normal en Baja California y Puebla.Jihan García-Poyato Falcón, Luz del Carmen Montes Pacheco, Graciela Cordero Arroyo & Teresa Eugenia Brito Miranda - 2023 - Voces de la Educación 8 (15):149-174.
    Los estudios sobre el perfil de los aspirantes a la educación superior son escasos. Se compararon cuantitativamente características familiares, socioeconómicas y académicas de los aspirantes a la Licenciatura en Educación Primaria de las escuelas normales públicas de Baja California y Puebla. Perfil: mujer, soltera, 18 años, egresada de bachillerato general escolarizado. Se identificaron características más favorables en Baja California.
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    Work stress, technological changes, and job insecurity in the retail organization context.Bilqees Ghani, Khalid Rasheed Memon, Heesup Han, Antonio Ariza-Montes & Juan M. Arjona-Fuentes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:918065.
    The study intends to investigate the relationship between work stress and job insecurity, as well as technological changes and job insecurity, with job satisfaction acting as a mediator. The study was conducted among Pakistani retail industry employees using survey questionnaires distributed online and in stores. The sample was composed of 262 retail workers from the FMCG and shopping mall industries. The responses were screened using the statistical software tool SPSS, and hypotheses were examined through SMART-PLS. The findings show that work (...)
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  20.  13
    Comparative results of State examinations from 2006 to 2012 in the Stomatology Faculty of Camag|ey.Sarah Teresita Gutiérrez Martore & Alonso Montes de Oca - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (3):825-842.
    Fundamento: La ampliación de matrícula con la diversidad de vías de ingreso ha constituido un reto en la educación médica y la evaluación de graduación implica la certificación de la competencia de los egresados, por eso se hace necesario analizar los resultados obtenidos en estas etapas. Objetivo: Comparar los resultados de los ejercicios prácticos, teóricos y notas finales obtenidas por los estudiantes presentados a Exámenes Estatales Ordinarios de los cursos del 2006 al 2012 de la Facultad de Estomatología en la (...)
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    Conversational Reformulation in Older Adults.Carolina Martínez Sotelo & Cristián Noemi Padilla - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):227-245.
    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar los tipos de actividades de reformulación conversacional que aparecen en conversaciones en adultos mayores con diferentes niveles de desempeño cognitivo: normales y trastorno cognitivo leve, a partir de una tarea de construcción de un discurso narrativo-argumentativo. Desde una perspectiva de investigación cualitativa, se obtuvo un corpus de 4 entrevistas, que fue codificado con la ayuda del software ATLAS.ti lo que permitió la generación de conceptos y el desarrollo de explicaciones a partir de los (...)
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  22.  14
    Educación comunitaria en salud bucal para niños.Nerys Tayme Tan Suárez, Carmen U. Alonso Montes de Oca & Norys Tan Suárez - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (2):0-0.
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    Traveler Pro-social Behaviors at Heritage Tourism Sites.Peng Zhu, Xiaoting Chi, Hyungseo Bobby Ryu, Antonio Ariza-Montes & Heesup Han - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aimed to explain the development of tourists’ pro-social intentions during heritage tourism within the pandemic context by combining the norm activation model and two significant variables in the theory of planned behavior. The quantitative data analysis results indicated that the proposed hypotheses have been partially supported, which resonated and enriched the existing studies on COVID-19-related pro-social tourism and tourist behaviors from a theoretical angle. Based on the research outcomes, the corresponding managerial implications for heritage tourism practitioners and meaningful (...)
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    When Agricultural Waste Transforms into an Environmentally Friendly Material: The Case of Green Concrete as Alternative to Natural Resources Depletion.Cătălina Mihaela Grădinaru, Adrian Alexandru Şerbănoiu, Danut Traian Babor, Gabriel Constantin Sârbu, Ioan Valentin Petrescu-Mag & Andrei Cristian Grădinaru - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (1):77-93.
    In an increasingly urbanized world, construction industry is called upon to serve the needs of human society, such as environmental protection and safety in terms of infrastructure. In this context, a sustainable and ethical development means a close connection between buildings and environment. This connection can be achieved through, for example, the concept of ecological concrete or green concrete, as it is often called. The conventional process of obtaining cement and mineral aggregates from the concrete composition generates pollution, especially through (...)
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    Academic Placement Data and Analysis: 2015 Final Report.Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Angelo Kyrilov, Patrice Cobb, Evette Montes, Cruz Franco, Justin Vlasits & David W. Vinson - 2015 - APA Grant Funds: Previously Funded Projects.
    The first research report of the APDA project. Findings include that "gender is a significant predictor of type of placement (i.e. permanent versus temporary). The intercept tells us that the odds for male participants to have a permanent academic placement within the first two years after graduation are statistically significant at .37, p < 0.001 when year of graduation is held constant. The odds for female participants to have a permanent academic placement are 1.85, p < 0.001 when graduation year (...)
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  26. Taking Relational Authenticity Seriously: Neurotechnologies, Narrative Identity, and Co-Authorship of the Self.Emilian Mihailov, Alexandra Zorila & Cristian Iftode - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):35-37.
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  27. Orangutans are persons with rights: Amicus Curiae brief in the Sandai case, requested by the Interspecies Justice Foundation.Gary Comstock, Adam Lerner, Macarena Montes Franceschini & Peter Singer - manuscript
    We argue on consequentialist grounds for the transfer of Sandai, an orangutan, to an orangutan sanctuary. First, we show that satisfying his interest in being transferred brings far greater value than the value achieved by keeping him confined. Second, we show that he has the capacities sufficient for personhood. Third, we show that all persons have a right to relative liberty insofar as they have interests they can exercise only under conditions of relative liberty. Fourth, we show that individuals need (...)
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  28.  22
    PBIL for optimizing inception module in convolutional neural networks.Pedro García-Victoria, Miguel A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo, Miguel Cárdenas-Montes & Roberto A. Vasco-Carofilis - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (2):325-337.
    Inception module is one of the most used variants in convolutional neural networks. It has a large portfolio of success cases in computer vision. In the past years, diverse inception flavours, differing in the number of branches, the size and the number of the kernels, have appeared in the scientific literature. They are proposed based on the expertise of the practitioners without any optimization process. In this work, an implementation of population-based incremental learning is proposed for automatic optimization of the (...)
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    Preference-based inconsistency-tolerant query answering under existential rules.Marco Calautti, Sergio Greco, Cristian Molinaro & Irina Trubitsyna - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 312 (C):103772.
  30.  86
    More Aristotle, Less DSM: The Ontology of Mental Disorders in Constructivist Perspective.Marino Pérez-Álvarez, Louis A. Sass & José M. García-Montes - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):211-225.
    This work begins by proposing the need for exploring the mode of being of mental disorders. It is a philosophical study in an Aristotelian perspective, with special emphasis on the anthropological–cultural dimension. It is difficult for such an inquiry to be carried out from within psychiatry or clinical psychology, committed as these fields are to their own logic and practical conditions. The issues are, in any case, more ontological than strictly clinical in nature. We therefore turn to Aristotle, and specifically (...)
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    Diffusion centrality: A paradigm to maximize spread in social networks.Chanhyun Kang, Sarit Kraus, Cristian Molinaro, Francesca Spezzano & V. S. Subrahmanian - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 239 (C):70-96.
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    Asking questions that matter – Question prompt lists as tools for improving the consent process for neurotechnology clinical trials.Andreas Schönau, Sara Goering, Erika Versalovic, Natalia Montes, Tim Brown, Ishan Dasgupta & Eran Klein - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Implantable neurotechnology devices such as Brain Computer Interfaces and Deep Brain Stimulators are an increasing part of treating or exploring potential treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders. While only a few devices are approved, many promising prospects for future devices are under investigation. The decision to participate in a clinical trial can be challenging, given a variety of risks to be taken into consideration. During the consent process, prospective participants might lack the language to consider those risks, feel unprepared, or (...)
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    Does critical realism need the concept of three domains of reality? A roundtable.Dave Elder-Vass, Tom Fryer, Ruth Porter Groff, Cristián Navarrete & Tobin Nellhaus - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (2):222-239.
    The concept of the three domains of reality is widely used in empirical critical realist research. However, there has been little scrutiny of how the domains are conceptualized and what they contribute to critical realism and how they should be applied in empirical research. This paper involves four arguments. First, Tom Fryer and Cristián Navarrete argue that the three domains of reality are redundant, confusing, and unsupported by Bhaskar’s theorizing. Second, Dave Elder-Vass argues that the three domains schema embodies (...)
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    Cacao cultivation as a livelihood strategy: contributions to the well-being of Colombian rural households.Héctor Eduardo Hernández-Núñez, Isabel Gutiérrez-Montes, Angie Paola Bernal-Núñez, Gustavo Adolfo Gutiérrez-García, Juan Carlos Suárez, Fernando Casanoves & Cornelia Butler Flora - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):201-216.
    Cacao cultivation is one of the most important livelihoods for rural households in Colombia, where it is promoted as a substitute for the illegal cultivation of coca. To strengthen Colombian cacao farming, it is important to understand the livelihood strategies associated with cacao cultivation and the impact of these different strategies on the well-being of Colombian rural households. We analyzed the impact of cacao cultivation on the livelihood strategies and well-being of rural households in western Colombia. Research with 92 rural (...)
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    Social Support and Substance Use as Moderators of the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents.Andrés Rubio, Juan Carlos Oyanedel, Fernanda Cancino, Luna Benavente, Cristián Céspedes, Camila Zisis & Dario Páez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Literature reports that depressive symptoms may precede suicidal ideation. Several studies have identified social support and substance use as moderators of this relationship. However, no study has evaluated these variables together by testing how substance use can affect the moderating effect of social support in this relationship. The purpose of this article is to individually evaluate dimensions of social support (friends, family, significant others, and school) and substance use (alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit drugs), as moderators of the relationship between (...)
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    My Problems Are Solvable: Idiographic Methods Offset Age Differences in Interpersonal Problem Solving Among Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults.Daniele Artistico, Daniel Cervone & Carolina Montes Garcia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Solid Fluids Lexicon.Nigel Clark, Sasha Engelmann, Paolo Gruppuso, Tim Ingold, Franz Krause, Gavin Lucas, Germain Meulemans, Cristián Simonetti, Bronislaw Szerszynski & Laura Watts - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (2):197-210.
    In our discussions around the theme of solid fluids, we often resort to everyday words, many of them of ancient derivation and rich in association. We have decided to make a list of some of the words that come up most often – barring those that already figure as the principal characters of individual contributions – and to distribute among ourselves the task of writing a sort of mini-biography for each. The resulting lexicon with 19 entries, ranging from ‘cloud’ and (...)
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    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Psychological Sense of School Membership Scale in Chilean Adolescents and Its Association with School-Related Outcomes and Substance Use.Jorge Gaete, Jesus Montero-Marin, Cristian A. Rojas-Barahona, Esterbina Olivares & Ricardo Araya - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Stochastic Version of the Noether Theorem.Alfredo González Lezcano & Alejandro Cabo Montes de Oca - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (6):726-746.
    A stochastic version of the Noether theorem is derived for systems under the action of external random forces. The concept of moment generating functional is employed to describe the symmetry of the stochastic forces. The theorem is applied to two kinds of random covariant forces. One of them generated in an electrodynamic way and the other is defined in the rest frame of the particle as a function of the proper time. For both of them, it is shown the conservation (...)
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    Exploring the Links Between Self-Compassion, Body Dissatisfaction, and Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery in Young Italian Women.Amanda Nerini, Camilla Matera, Cristian Di Gesto, Giulia Rosa Policardo & Cristina Stefanile - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Biblically Inspired Tattoos in Forensic Examinations Made on Inmates’ Bodies in Prisons Territorially Assigned to the Forensic Institute of Medicine from Cluj.Dan Perju-Dumbravă, Daniel Ureche, Cristian Gherman, Ovidiu Chiroban, Laurian Ștefan Bonea & Carmen Corina Radu - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (45):338-356.
    Since ancient times, tattoos were a form of expressing spiritual trends or a life style. Our country does not have a very complex culture regarding tattoos or persons who practice this kind of art and thus for their bearers the majority of existing tattoos lack a special meaning. In forensic science, by conducting physical, traumatic expertise or by postponing the punishment, we find, a lot of times, persons in detention for different criminal acts, and the examination of these is necessary. (...)
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    Sport in Society as a Binder in Social Communication of Human's Emotions.Ion Popescu-Bradiceni, Camelia Daniela Plastoi, Ilie Mihai, Liviu Mihăilescu, Ioana Buțu, George Cristian Cătuna & Simona Teodorescu - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):121-133.
    Society is the ensemble/the whole of the relations with the others, it is their form based on the natural needs : the perpetuation of the species, the playful expression, the language, the thinking, the communication, the inter-subjectivity report. In the evolution of psychology of human development, sport contributes to the improvement of the body in relation to the environment; of the cognitive, moral development of language, that of complex skills, sensory integrations, games with body schematics, which mobilize self-awareness and structure (...)
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    ‘Nicanor y la Violeta’: Un análisis crítico del uso del artículo definido ante nombres propios masculinos y femeninos.Leonardo Aliaga Rovira, Patricia Avilés Retamal, Domingo Román Montes de Oca, María José Serrano Insunza, Camila Colicheo Cabrera & Francisco Soto Cáceres - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):224-235.
    En este artículo se estudia la estructura “artículo definido + nombre propio antropónimo” y su distribución de uso en casos de antropónimos femeninos y masculinos. Se parte del supuesto de que esta estructura es más frecuente cuando el antropónimo es femenino. Al ser expletiva la presencia del artículo ante los sustantivos propios y, por el contrario, ser requerido su uso o el de otro determinante, en posiciones sintácticas específicas, ante los sustantivos comunes, la aparición del artículo definido precediendo al antropónimo (...)
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    Physical Activity in Natural Environments Is Associated With Motivational Climate and the Prevention of Harmful Habits: Structural Equation Analysis.Manuel Castro-Sánchez, Félix Zurita-Ortega, José Antonio Pérez-Turpin, Javier Cachón-Zagalaz, Cristian Cofre-Bolados, Concepción Suarez-Llorca & Ramón Chacón-Cuberos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Servant Leadership and Followers Prosocial Rule-Breaking: The Mediating Role of Public Service Motivation.Naqib Ullah Khan, Muhammad Zada, Asad Ullah, Afraseyab Khattak, Heesup Han, Antonio Ariza-Montes & Luis Araya Castillo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:848531.
    This research explores the effect of servant leadership on prosocial rule-breaking (PSRB) and the mediating mechanism of public service motivation (PSM) between the association of servant leadership and PSRB. The said phenomenon is examined in the civil service context of Pakistan during the continuing crises of the COVID-19 pandemic, a situation where the traditional civil service policy and rule system has become highly complicated for passionate employees’ service performance and efficiency, and where servant leadership has received greater attention for inspiring (...)
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    Quantum metaphysics and the foundations of spacetime.Vincent Lam, Laurie Letertre & Cristian Mariani - 2022 - In Antonio Vassallo (ed.), The Foundations of Spacetime Physics: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
    The main research programs in quantum gravity tend to suggest in one way or another that most spacetime structures are not fundamental. At the same time, work in quantum foundations highlights fundamental features that are in tension with any straightforward space- time understanding. This paper aims to explore the little investigated but potentially fruitful links between these two fields.
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    The Recognition of Gift.Jean-Luc Marion, Adina Bozga & Cristian Ciocan - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9 (9999):15-28.
    In this article, the author unveils the play between visibility and invisibility as it is captured in a phenomenology of the gift. The first part of the essay explores the tension between the fact of being given and the forgetting of its characters as a gift: its donor and the circumstances of it being given. In the process of becoming autonomous, free of its provenance, the gift loses its character of being given and becomes no more than a simple thing (...)
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    Contribution of local knowledge in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) to the well‑being of cocoa families in Colombia: a response from the relationship.Gustavo Adolfo Gutiérrez Garcia, Isabel Gutiérrez-Montes, Juan Carlos Suárez Salazar, Fernando Casanoves, David Ricardo Gutiérrez Suárez, Héctor Eduardo Hernández-Núñez, Cornelia Butler Flora & Nicole Sibelet - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-24.
    The concept of well-being of rural families is part of a theory under construction in which new theoretical elements are constantly being incorporated. This research aims to determine the influence of farmers’ knowledge on the well‑being of cocoa growing families in the departments of Santander, Huila, Meta and Caquetá, Colombia. Four categories of farmers were identified with different levels of knowledge in the management of cocoa cultivation obtained through a cluster analysis. The well-being of cocoa farmers, understood as the balance (...)
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    Formación y la cuestión del tacto. Consideraciones desde la estética, para la educación.Alejandro Andrés Berrios Avaria & Nelson Cristian Rodriguez Arratia - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (2):1-16.
    El presente artículo desarrolla el tema de la formación del tacto. Este tema, que desde las ciencias del espíritu llamaron bildung o formación, pone como una cuestión principal, la estética en la formación para la vida. Respecto a ello, es pertinente analizar las variables ver aquellas acciones o reflexiones que ayudan a sensibilizar y construir espacios de humanización entre los hombres. En el contexto pedagógico, se requieren, de las mismas exigencias del tacto, tanto para la educación superior en la formación (...)
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  50. Academic Placement Data and Analysis: 2016 Final Report.Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Patrice Cobb, Bryan Kerster, Chelsea Gordon, Angelo Kyrilov, Evette Montes, Sam Spevack, David W. Vinson & Justin Vlasits - 2016 - APA Grant Funds: Previously Funded Projects.
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis (APDA), a project funded by the American Philosophical Association (APA) and headed by Carolyn Dicey Jennings (UC Merced), aims “to make information on academic job placement useful to prospective graduate students in philosophy.” The project has just been updated to include new data, which Professor Jennings describes in a post at New APPS. She also announces a new interactive data tool with which one can sift through and sort information. (from Daily Nous).
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